17 May, 2007

*378 - footloose '07

Footloose! Didn't take many pictures, and didn't venture far from my seat in the holding area to take pictures with anyone apart from the alumni, because I was sick and sluggish and snot-ful.

But anyway. Had a great time dancing regardless of sickness, although the rehearsals and waiting was dreadful and mostly saw me crumpled on the ground with a pounding headache and a tissue pressed to my leaky nose.

Happy Evelyn happy Sarah :D We are not in full makeup. If you look carefully at my eyes you might be able to see that my eyeliner is more than 1 cm thick.

The battle of the Emo Expressions ... obviously, Amy wins hands down!! (Sharan, this is probably where you saw us in the canteen right? Hehe!)

Acting pretty ...

... Resigning ourselves to the fact that we're not pretty, so we revert back to showing our true (ugly) selves here.

The beginning of our segment, minus Annabelle ): There should be a fourth leg somewhere in there!

Pretty Nat (:

Banana and Lychee again (: Yay!

EW SARAH GET AWAYYY FROM ME (I'm just kidding <3)


So that was the end of our very last dance night performance. Not much sorrow in that; when the curtains closed and the throng of dancers around us started hugging and screaming and bawling and it was just pandemonium, us alumni dancers stood around feeling disconnected and a little impassive. I know the elation mixed with the sadness from the finality, but we no longer share those feelings.

Up next: Sentio. Buy tickets please k thanks.