Seized my last ever chance to take a photo with her and brought the camera to work!
This is a really bad photo because 2 people are blinking, Eric's head is blocked, Roslee's chewing his food, and Evelyn's ugly. But it's the best one that had Mr Boss in it.
A better photo, sans Mr Boss, with newest addition to the EB family, noone blinking, noone blocked, noone chewing, but Evelyn still ugly.
Grainy photo because the lighting in the bar isn't photo-friendly.
Lucy so cuuute (: Scooping ice at the bar, hehe! Will miss having her around and her cute notes to me (I kept one of them!) hehe.
Work yesterday was pretty pleasant despite the scary (short-lived thankfully) squabble upstairs and fact that I had to be greeter for a while. But I was a good greeter! I actually had a nice lady who squealed at the voucher I gave her and told me that she would pop by for dinner the next night. Haha! And I even met a handful people and friends outside in the 15 minutes I was pacing around outside before I had to go back in to serve.
New girl working at EB who's quite pretty! And she lives really really near me, about 2 or 3 bus stops away in fact. Cool.
And of course the highlight of the night! Getting one of my first substantial tips* that I was allowed to keep*, from a local celebrity* no less!!
* substantial to me, but people like Banana who get tips like that a few times a day would laugh at me, haha!
* the rule is that tips are to be shared except when the customer specifies that "the tip is for YOU"
* Elvin Ng! & friend whom I do not know.
He was actually damn handsome in person leh. I had to suppress the urge to scoop them a bigger ball of ice cream than the customary. Hahaha ;)
I feel like such a baby sometimes. But it's not easy to keep the tears in. It's quite strange how emotional hurt can manifest itself as physical pain - haven't you ever felt that icy grip across your chest that hurts you, it really hurts you, not mentally but, really, physically?
Sick and tired. I'm not particularly concerned about physical hurting. I've learnt to endure pain. (Gosh that sounds suicidal, but nono, I meant it in the sense that I've got pretty high tolerance from all the injuries etc.) But tired emotionally. Tired of not being happy happy happy all the time. I like being smiley happy. Being a blessing to people. Being a bundle of joy. I try, but it's hard.
Actually I'm still quite happy lah (: I'm not depressed. I'm not suicidal. (Banana no need to worry hehe.) I know I'm super duper blessed by my Daddy God. & I'll be fine.