I'm not too happy with them and hence deem them unworthy of being given to friends, because they aren't fluffy enough. I suspect that a large proportion of the baking disasters that occur in my home can be attributed to the fact that the oven is not as hot as it claims to be. We usually turn the heat up one notch higher than it "should" be, but even that doesn't seem to be hot enough now. So we're thinking of investing in one of those stick-in-the-oven type of thermometers, but they aren't easy to find.
Nonetheless, I had fun sitting in front of the oven, steaming from the heat, and squealing over my exploding muffins that had bubbling raspberry sauce oozing out of the cracks. Just like erupting volcanoes. (:
Anyway, taking photos of pretty food makes me delightfully happy, and whether or not the food actually tastes good is irrelevant. Feast your eyes on these photos, and take comfort in the fact that they aren't fabulous muffins in reality. Hehehe. (:
And I made a puny batch of chocolate cream sandwich cookies, to finish up the rest of the chocolate cream filling that was left over from the other day.
Happy cookie! (: