The Somebody Who Made My Day found this blog and I can hardly believe it and I am oh-so-very-embarrassed! Hahaha. Wow!
Anyway I've been feeling stuffed up and flu-ish all day, so I'm popping some medicine and once the sleepiness sets in I shall be off.
I'm in a terrific mood despite that because Maddy makes me happy - even before I saw her today I was already giggling out loud at an SMS from her for a good 30 seconds or so before I finally found her. Followed by continuous laughing till we parted ways hahaha. We were both in awful condition (as in, ill) but we took 2 consecutive dance classes anyway, and though I'm all the more snivelly and sick I think it was well worth it.
And I was praised for my split leaps for the first time ever!! Gosh! Laoshi (gym) always scolded me for being too fat to jump nicely, so it was really quite encouraging today. (:
Classes end pretty late (near 10 pm) and getting home from there has always been a chore for us. But today as we were waiting forlornly at the bus stop, I got a ring from Daddy who happened to be in the area, and so we got chauffeured all the way home, yay! (:
Sounds like a good day, no? (: