02 November, 2006

*225 - squash

This is a milestone worth noting - Today, I played squash for the first time.


With Joel & Justin & Elisa, in decreasing order of ability. Needless to say, I'm so far behind everyone that I shall put my name ...


here. Evelyn.


Oh yeah, and perhaps worth a mention - AO Levels are over! (: More specifically, GP came and went, I did the question that nearly everybody else from the Science stream did, no prizes for guessing which one.

What I recall most vividly about the exam was the Artic temperatures of the hall. I spent a great deal of time worrying about the cold and tending to my nosebleed (I always seem to nosebleed at times like these). Spent some excruciating minutes at the end of the paper with my legs twisted tightly around each other for warmth and involuntarily shaking like a leaf from head to toe (perhaps more accurately, from shoulder to knee). It was fairly amusing (in a way) looking around at all the people who were also trembling visibly - it's definitely not a common sight here in sunny Singapore.

Came out of the exam hall literally numbed, with purplish-red skin (that's what happens whenever I'm very cold) and greyish bleeding lips (they cracked).

Someone should do something about this. I wonder if they'll let me wear track pants and, I don't know, thermal wear (?) for the subsequent papers. Such unconducive exam conditions.


Hiatus? What hiatus? Who said anything about a hiatus?